
Wednesday, 3 March 2021

A long time went by before my son retreated from the dim lighting of the room, and several long teasing creaks accompanied him going back upstairs. I would've rotted in that damn recliner, but I heard a soft knocking on the door. More barely audible knocks multiplying throughout the room and becoming closer to a cacophony. I wasn't able to ignore them. I got up and answered the door. Mallory stood there, almost enshrined by the moonlight. "Have the seeds borne fruit? " he asked. "What have you done to my son? My wife? They're like hungry demons now. I'm afraid of David. " Mallory titled his head, one hand playing the knuckles of the other. It resembled a pianist moving his fingers deftly across the keys. "Hunger can last weeks, but it can also resolve itself in an instant. The shadow fruit works its its own time. But it is always a circle. Two things will become one. " Mallory replied. "Don't speak in riddles. If you aren't going to help, then what are you doing here? " I was getting irritated at the man.

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Actor, Director 3/18/1947 (73 years old) Prolific and versatile French character player Patrick Chesnais received his formal dramatic training under the tutelage of René Simon and Lise Delamare at the famed Conservatoire National d'Art Dramatique in Paris in the late '60s, and took his premier bow as an actor in 1976, with a small role in Jacques Rozier's The Castaways of Turtle Island. Over four dozen assignments ensued over the following few decades, typically supporting roles for acclaimed directors including Jacques Renard (Monsieur Albert), Diane Kurys (Cocktail Molotov), Michel Deville (La Lectrice), and Claude Lelouch (La Belle Histoire). Chesnais debuted as a writer/director with the 2001 Charmant Garçon, in which he also starred; in that romantic comedy, he played a middle-aged loser who attempts to make a serious play for a woman after hitting her car. Chesnais subsequently netted a fair amount of international attention for his supporting turn as a slightly unctuous physician in Julian Schnabel's festival darling The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007).

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Car tout le reste du film malgré sa longueur ( quasiment 2h30) réussit parfaitement ses objectifs: - divertir et émouvoir. - retransmettre une vision du Japon et des japonais... Lire plus "The Eternal zero" (titre original faisant référence au chasseur/bombardier japonais) est loin d'etre une simple reproduction de batailles du pacifique. Il s'agit de jeunes adultes menant l'enquete sur leur grand-père biologique décrit comme "lâche" durant la guerre. Le film réussit à tenir en haleine et parvient meme a etre touchant, et ce malgré un sujet sensible (kamikazes forcés/volontaires, l'adjudant tenant des propos inimaginables... Il s'agit de l'enquête de deux jeunes qui cherchent à découvrir qui était réellement leur grand-père. Un soldat japonais ayant servis chez les Kamikazes durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et la bataille du Pacifique. De très belles images et des effets spéciaux très bons dans l'action des combats aériens. Je suis agréablement surpris par cette histoire rare et remarquablement réalisée.