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"Hey look, it's that Finisher dude! " Most superheroes live by a couple of strict moral standards, like protecting the innocent or bringing criminals to justice regardless of what danger they're put in. Enter the grainy moral world of the Punisher from Marvel Comics, however, and those standards quickly become irrelevant. Frank Castle only became the Punisher after his family was murdered by mobsters. Vowing to exact revenge on all criminals, the Punisher goes on a rampage of destruction, wiping out the criminal underground from its infested core within New York City. Unlike other heroes (or anti-heroes) in comic books, the Punisher doesn't have superpowers. His only weapon is suicidal determination combined with military-grade weaponry. You initially start out with the simple shotgun and pistol, but will eventually unlock grenade launchers, heavy machineguns and accurate assault rifles as you massacre your way through each mission. The action is pretty simple, with a health bar that goes back to normal once you execute brutal 'quick kills', and a blue "Rage Meter" that slowly fills and which temporarily turns you invincible when you activate it.

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NParks has been tapping technology to facilitate its efforts in ensuring safe distancing measures are observed. Some 30 drones, for instance, were deployed in selected parks to provide its officers with a high vantage point and assist in visitorship updates. According to the agency, the drones offered a better indication of the density of visitors in a specific area. Singapore rolled out stricter measures over the past month, which forced non-essential businesses to close or have all of their employees work from home and food and beverage operators to provide only takeaway or delivery options. Meanwhile, stores that remain open, including supermarkets and pharmacies, are required to implement safe distancing measures, such as ensuring customers remain 1 metre apart while in line to make payments. To remain in place during what has been coined "circuit breaker" period, these measures were originally scheduled to end on May 4, but was later extended to June 1. RELATED COVERAGE Singapore scrapes fraudulent COVID-19 healthcare products from online stores New services in Singapore to tap spike in demand for online delivery Questions that still need to be asked as governments tap tech to contain coronavirus Less than half in Singapore willing to share COVID-19 results with contact tracing tech Singapore introduces contact tracing app to slow coronavirus spread Singapore to introduce security label for smart home devices Singapore unveils initiatives to help population stay connected as stricter COVID-19 measures kick in

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