
Friday, 12 February 2021

I was once a complete asshole. White, cis* (fuck I still hate that word - but terminology is terminology, in my day to day I stick with straight) really enjoying the everloving fuck out of that white privilege/invisibility thing. *(Apparently I meant to write straight - though cis still applies, I can comfortably forget my unwarranted animosity to a term I only became aware of three months ago) Then I started a relationship with a latina who is probably ten to fourteen times smarter than I am (and I think I'm pretty smart, most of the time). She laughed at my racist, misogynistic jokes. We enjoyed our problematic media. Things were going great. Then one day she sits me down and says, in so many words, I love you, but you're completely deluded, aren't you? There is literally an entire world you have no idea about, one which makes it easy for you to say the offensive shit you say, and if anyone were to get offended, that's on them because 'you're only joking. ' But you need to be aware of who you are and what you say.

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more less Sinking Day S 1: Ep 3 - 2/16/17 Van loses the company its biggest client, and Emily has to help him find a new one. Meanwhile, Ron becomes obsessed with proving that a new employee is actually the superhero Olympian. Powerless: Sinking Day When Van's incompetence costs the team a client, Emily hopes to make a deal with the people of Atlantis and Van's father sets him on a path of redemption. Wayne Dream Team S 1: Ep 2 - 2/9/17 Emily tries to get her team working on a project with a deadline, but they're too busy with Super Hero Fantasy League. Meanwhile, Van is unhappy that he was left off of the Wayne Dream Team picture and comes up with a scheme to add himself in. more less Powerless: Wayne Dream Team With a new product idea greenlit, Emily tries to get her team inspired Van is on a mission to be included in the Wayne Dream Team photo. Wayne or Lose S 1: Ep 1 - 2/2/17 Emily Locke takes a new job as the Director of R&D at Wayne Security, run by Bruce Wayne's cousin Van. Her job: inspire her team to create devices to protect civilians from becoming collateral damage in the war between superheroes and villains.

To put it lightly, 2020 was a weird year for movies, especially since going to the theater was pretty much out of the question for most of the year. But movies of all genres have continued to be released, especially on streaming services. This includes a number of teen movies that came out in 2020 that range from rom-coms to dramas to horror comedies about satanic murderous babysitters. Whether you're a teen yourself or are just looking to escape into the world of high school crushes and college applications, here are 14 teen movies to check out. To All the Boys: P. S. I Still Love You This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. One of the most anticipated teen movies of the year was the sequel to To All the Boys I've Loved Before. In P. I Still Love You, fans were reunited with Lara Jean Covey (Lana Condor) and internet boyfriend Peter Kavinsky (Noah Centineo) and got to know John Ambrose McClaren (Jordan Fisher).

Los Diez Mandamientos de la Ley de Dios aportan al hombre individual una fuente de alimento... --LA VIRTUD - y los siete dones de sucristo el Hijo de Dios. Cree en El, murio por ti en la Cruz y vive. Porque Jesucristo vuelve: Apocalipsis 1:7. Lee La Biblia hoy. Juan 3:16: Jesucristo le... --El Plan De Dios Para La Salvación - Plan De Dios Para La Salvación. Amigo mío: Te voy a hacer la pregunta más importante de tu vida. El gozo o la tristeza que experimentes en la eternidad dependen... --Eclesiastés 3:13 además, que todo hombre que coma y beba y Biblia de las Américas además, que todo hombre que coma y beba y vea lo bueno en todo su trabajo, eso es don de Dios. La Nueva Biblia de los Hispanos- Don de Dios es una rico música con ridículo cuento y increíble escena. Haciendo clic en el imagen para mantener la variación mejor de Don de Dios a su computadora. Ver Don de Dios en formato 1080p.

Juegos de niños 5 años Spiderman regresa con este juego online en el que debes eliminar al duende verde. El duende verde regresa a la ciudad y el único que puede vencerlo es Spiderman. Ayuda al héroe a atrapar con su telaraña a su gran enemigo que aparece por todos lados. ¡Diviértete con este juego online de Spiderman y salva la ciudad! Juego de Spiderman salva la ciudad ¿Te ha servido de ayuda? Sí No Cómo se juega a Spiderman salva la ciudad Utiliza el mouse para ubicar al duende verde y disparar. Si no tienes energía, recárgala con la tecla espaciadora. Observaciones Dispara al rostro del duende.

Además este peculiar instrumento cuenta con más de 30 engranajes. En el mismo naufragio, descubierto por unos recolectores de esponjas, se encontraron estatuas de bronce y mármol, alfarería, joyas, monedas antiguas y el artilugio astronómico. Se cree que dicho artefacto es de origen griego y data entre los años 150 a. y 100 a. C., todos los fragmentos del mecanismo de Anticitera se encuentran en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Atenas. 5. Cohete Apolo 11 La conocida misión espacial que llevó a los astronautas Armstrong y Aldin a pisar la luna en 1969, se llevó a cabo con el saturno V. Los motores F-1 del Saturno V permanecieron desaparecidos por mucho tiempo, hasta que una misión encabezada por Jeff Bezos (CEO de Amazon) logró localizarlos en el fondo del mar. Tras una ardua investigación, días de trabajo y un equipo de última tecnología, lograron recuperar los motores del Saturno V y otras tantas piezas relacionadas con el artefacto y la misión. 6. Antena satélite El U. S. N. General Hoyt S. Vandenberg fue un barco perteneciente a la marina estadounidense, sirvió durante varias décadas como barco militar y de comunicaciones hasta su desmantelamiento.

Goofs The movie end credits list the name of the character played by Helen Flint as "Pearl Davis" but throughout the movie - particularly during her courtroom testimony - her character is referred to as "Pearl Danvers. " See more » Quotes Frank Taylor: How yuh doin', Ed? Ed Jackson: Oh, terrible! I feel like a drill was driving right through the top of my head. It might be a good idea to let out some of dat beer you slopped up last night. Aw, quit riding me, will yuh? Oh, I ain't even started on you yet. C'mon, let's eat. No, Frank, I couldn't. Oh, come on. Do you good. You gotta eat. [ He snaps his finger] I got just the thing to straighten you out. Yeah? What is it? [... ] See more » Crazy Credits The names of all characters -- the characters themselves-- the story-- all incidents and institutions portrayed in this production are fictitious-- and no identification with actual persons, living or deceased, is intended or should be inferred. See more » Connections References Dangerous (1935) Soundtracks Fancy Meeting You (1936) (uncredited) Music by Harold Arlen Played on the radio at Jim's Place See more » Details Release Date: 30 January 1937 (USA) Also Known As: Black Legion Box Office Budget: $235, 000 (estimated) See more on IMDbPro » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs » No need to waste time endlessly browsing—here's the entire lineup of new movies and TV shows streaming on Netflix this month.

The pairing of Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon in an R-rated action comedy would seem like the perfect late-summer escape. Both actresses have proven for years that they're game for whatever comes their way, and their contrasting styles held the promise of giddy, combustible chemistry. Kunis is all sly, biting deadpan; McKinnon is a wild, daring whirlwind. The comedy isn't (entirely) the problem in "The Spy Who Dumped Me, " which, as a title, is cleverer than the movie itself. It's the extreme violence, which serves as a jarring contrast to the goofy antics. The killings are actually more over the top than the ones you might see in a straight-up spy movie, which I guess is the point. Ostensibly, this is simultaneously intended as a send-up of the genre as well as a straightforward example of it—a tricky feat to pull off, unless you're Edgar Wright. Director and co-writer Susanna Fogel has trouble achieving a tonal balance between the comedy and the action, which only grows increasingly glaring over the course of the film's overlong running time.

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