
Friday, 26 February 2021

Day 3: Little Harbor -> Airport -> Avalon The final day of the Trans Catalina Trail. Today is a special day, I had to hike ~18 Miles from Little Harbor to Avalon before 5 PM to catch the ferry back to the mainland. Knowing that it had been a while since I had this level of activity I woke up and perform the usual morning ritual and left camp at around 7:20 AM. It was all uphill for the first few several miles until I hit a road. The scenery today was not quite as good as the first two days. There were fences and power lines everywhere. I made a quick stop at the Airport for a bagel and a cup of soda at around 10:30 AM. I met and talked with a bikepacking couple who actually camped at the site right next to me last night. We had a nice chat before I left on my way since I was on a tight schedule, or so I thought. Did you know that there are bison on the island? I had been looking forward to seeing one since I got there. It finally happened! About 0. 5 mi from the airport I spotted a beefy dude sitting right next to the trail.

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Dans le Far West, au début du 20e siècle, les temps sont durs pour Ellen et Clark, menacés d'expulsion par la banque après une mauvaise récolte. Pour subvenir aux besoins du foyer, Ellen commence un travail de couturière pendant que ses beaux-parents s'occupent de sa fille, Missy. Mais Ellen tombe malade et décède. © RHI Entertainment

Something went wrong, but don't fret — let's give it another shot.

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(catalán) Canal+ Comedia: 07-VIII-2013 a las 19:20h. (redoblaje) Canal+ Comedia: 25-VIII-2013 a las 15:55h. (redoblaje) Canal+ Comedia: 16-IX-2013 a las 15:55h. (redoblaje) Super3: 07-XII-2014 a las 15:45h. (catalán) Super3: 15-III-2015 a las 15:45h. (catalán) Super3: 21-II-2016 a las 15:40h. (catalán) Super3: 27-II-2016 a las 15:45h. (catalán)

"What I'm asking is if and when the vaccine comes, it won't do somebody any good if they don't get it. And if they have to pay a sum of money for it in order to profit the drug companies, that will not be helpful. Are you guaranteeing the American people today that that vaccine will be available to all people regardless of their income? " "Sir, the payment of vaccines is not a responsibility of FDA, but I'm glad to take this back to the task force, " Hahn said. "I share your concern that this needs to be made available to every American. " Sanders then asked, "Does anybody else want to comment on that? " There was silence. Sanders asked Giroir, "Poor people and working people should be last on line for the vaccine? " Replied Giroir, "Were you asking me? " Yes he was. Said Giroir, "I will certainly advocate that everyone receives the vaccine regardless of income or any other circumstance. " If we are lucky enough to get a vaccine within a year, let's just make sure everyone gets, one — paid with government funding, if need be.

By contrast, the Ur-Fascist hero craves heroic death, advertised as the best reward for a heroic life. The Ur-Fascist hero is impatient to die. In his impatience, he more frequently sends other people to death. " "I'm viewing our great citizens of this country to a certain extent and to a large extent as warriors. They're warriors. We can't keep our country closed. We have to open our country... Will some people be badly affected? Yes. " "Since both permanent war and heroism are difficult games to play, the Ur-Fascist transfers his will to power to sexual matters. This is the origin of machismo (which implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality). Since even sex is a difficult game to play, the Ur-Fascist hero tends to play with weapons – doing so becomes an ersatz phallic exercise. " I don't think I have to explain this one... "Ur-Fascism is based upon a selective populism, a qualitative populism, one might say. ]

Photo © Capture d'écran Instagram/@0yann0 Sur son compte personnel, le présentateur s'en est d'ailleurs pris à notre journal en écrivant: « Gardez vos 5€50. Demain, n'achetez pas le journal d'extrême droite Valeurs Actuelles et lisez GRATOS le dossier bidon qu'il nous consacre dès aujourd'hui. Et vive les bien-pensants. Bisous. Lien dans la story de @qofficiel. » Sur Twitter, Julien Bellver, chroniqueur de Quotidien, s'est lui aussi fendu de cette annonce: « Notre petite cadeau de Noël », suivie du lien WeTransfer. Avant de la supprimer. Photo © Capture d'écran Twitter/@julienbellver Notre nouveau numéro, en vente ce jeudi, propose une enquête sur les dessous de Quotidien, une analyse de ses pratiques par Ingrid Riocreux, spécialiste du langage médiatique, un décryptage de ses nombreuses « fake news » et un portrait de son animateur et producteur emblématique. Il est disponible en version papier ou numérique sur notre boutique. Commentaires Afficher plus de commentaires

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