
Thursday, 18 February 2021

There's a beautifully tortured gag about the name of Goodwife Twoshoes, partner to Richard (Paul Kaye), and it's reasonable to assume that both Shearsmith and Pemberton knew what 'gadge' meant back in the seventies. Once again, this is genuinely exciting and unpredictable television, a chocolate box of dark delights where someone's stolen the little card: you never know what you're going to get next. Aired at 10pm on Thursday 9 April 2015 on BBC Two. > Buy Season 1 on DVD on Amazon. > Order Season 2 on DVD on Amazon. What did you think of the episode? Let us know below… > Follow Andrew Allen on Twitter.

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TV shows just can't resist bringing folks back from the 'dead' lately, and while Alfie's return did feel a little like fan service, his scene in the finale was irresistible and beautifully written, accompanied by trademark anachronistic music that was actually piped into the room through a gramophone, a very cool touch. Cillian Murphy (Tommy Shelby) in 'Peaky Blinders' | Series Five (BBC One) Alfie's even more powerful since being 'resurrected' apparently, with a statue of him being erected back in the motherland. "I am planning on making a pilgrimage to stand in my own shadow, " he charismatically informed Tommy. In a scene that saw (the actually thoroughly lovely) Margate totally roasted, Alfie seemed to support Tommy's efforts to decapitate British fascism, and I think we can expect to see him back more fully in season 6. READ MORE: Peaky Blinders season 6 – everything we know so far Elsewhere in the episode, Polly resigned instead of taking sides in Tommy and Michael's impending war, Charlie quite irresponsibly informed Tommy of the history of suicide in Tommy's family, and the Garrison's double-crossing bartender was outed, his brains making a mess of the pub's ceiling.

However, Jeong-Eun grabs So-Hee's hand, and Eun-Joo tells So-Hee that she must stay to take care of Jeong-Eun: So-Hee is now Jeong-Eun's older sister. So-Hee decides to keep the baby, while Ki-Ho has moved on with another girl. The two step into an elevator, and as the door is closing, the girl's face turns into Eun-Joo's.

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