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IN BREVE Da una cittadina dell'Ohio, due diplomate dicono di partire per le Hawaii, in realt? volano a Bangkok in cerca di emozioni orientali. Qui si imbattono in una giovane australiana che le inguaia mettendo nei loro zainetti una quantit? considerevole di droga. Arrestate all'aeroporto vengono rinchiuse in un carcere da incubo, il Brokedown Palace, un vero ciclone infernale dove si consumano le peggiori nefandezze a carico delle nostre due povere studentesse che si prendono, infine, una condanna pesantissima. Fortunatamente arriva in loro soccorso un avvocato americano spostao a una thai. Film senza alcun pregio a parte le due belle protagoniste. Bangkok, senza ritorno (Brokedown Palace) è un film del 1999 diretto da Jonathan Kaplan. Alice e Darlene sono due amiche appena diplomate che fingono di partire in vacanza per le Hawaii e si dirigono invece a Bangkok. Durante il loro soggiorno fanno amicizia con Nick, un misterioso ragazzo australiano che, però, le raggira nascondendo dell'eroina nei loro zaini nella speranza che le due giovani americane facciano da corrieri involontari partendo verso Hong Kong per raggiungere il nuovo amico.

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Doch selbst wenn im Finale eine ganze Pferde-Herde an den Protagonisten vorbeidonnert, gibt's nur wenig Dynamik und auch kaum direktionale Effekte. Bonusmaterial Ja was denn nun? 1868 oder doch 1968? – Leichte Unstimmigkeiten bei der deutschen Untertitelung Im Bonusmaterial von Dead Men findet sich lediglich der Trailer zum Film wieder. Fazit Man braucht etwas Sitzfleisch und ein Faible für die charmante Independet-Filmproduktion. Doch dann kann man in Dead Men durchaus stimmige Details und eine schöne Atmosphäre entdecken. Für Genre-Fans durchaus einen Blick wert. Timo Wolters Bewertung Bildqualität: 60% Tonqualität (dt. Fassung): 55% Tonqualität (Originalversion): 60% Bonusmaterial: 10% Film: 70% Anbieter: Tiberius Film Land/Jahr: USA 2018 Regie: Royston Innes Darsteller: Ric Maddox, Aaron Marciniak, Richard O. Ryan, Shawn Parsons, Sasha Higgins, Malcolm Madera Tonformate: dts HD-Master 5. 1: de, en Bildformat: 2, 35:1 Laufzeit: 177 Codec: AVC FSK: 16 (Copyright der Cover und Szenenbilder liegt bei Anbieter Tiberius Film) Trailer zu Dead Men – Das Gold der Apachen Dead Men - Das Gold der Apachen (Extended Version) I Offizieller Trailer 2018 HD Deutsch

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Descrizione prodotto L'ACCHIAPPA COCCOLE L'APETTA GIULIA DVD CONTIENE UN FILM D'ANIMAZIONE IN DVD E IL MORBIDO PELUCHE DEL PROTAGONISTA TRAMA: Un'ape felice e canterina scopre di essere nata ape operaia e di avere i giorni contati. La piccola ape non ci sta e si rivolge alla mamma, la Regina, per rivendicare una vita dignitosa ed un nome da bambina vera, Giulia, appunto. L'ape regina acconsente e decide di raccontarle, ogni sera, una favola sugli uomini, anzi su due particolari esseri umani, Sarah e Simone. Sinossi Una anonima ape operaia, destinata ad una vita breve, faticosa e stressante in una fabbrica di miele non si rassegna al suo destino, e chiede udienza all'ape regina: rivendica una vita migliore nella quale avere un nome, scelto da lei. Giulia, appunto. L'ape regina acconsente, e decide di raccontarle, ogni sera, una favola sugli uomini, anzi su due particolari esseri umani, Sarah e Simone. E così, sera dopo sera...

The two of them really get into it as DeLuca calls Meredith out for ditching her community service and putting her medical license, her career, and her family at risk. Meredith's all like, "If you think I'm going to sit by while something is so broken people are dying from it, you don't know me at all! " A noble speech in theory, but tough to take as she's saying it to the person who was willing to go to prison for her. • Did we just get a pitch-perfect text from one Dr. Cristina Yang?! Who, in the midst of her person's semi-scandal, does not text comforting words of commiseration, only this: "Move to Switzerland before Bailey murders you in your sleep. " I miss Cristina every day. • What is the endgame with Pac-North? Now Owen has defected there in the wake of Tom Koracick's reign of terror. Are we looking at a hospital versus hospital showdown? Another merger situation? I love to see chief Alex Karev absolutely thriving, but the green scrubs are giving me anxiety. • "It's amazing what passes for good news around here. "

Waikiki takes the pen to his brother and shows him what's inside. He wants both of them to leave, but Honolulu is still on life support, so he says he is okay if Waikiki leaves without him. Waikiki then uses a 3D printer to make himself a gun, despite the rules against having a weapon in the building. The Wolf King and his goons arrive with Crosby and his own gang. Wolf King has an injury that needs treatment, so Jean reluctantly treats him. After fixing his wound, Wolf King reveals that he had Beau killed after he stole a car from him. Jean considers killing him in retribution, but killing patients is against the rules of the Artemis. Knowing that Wolf King is in the hotel and since he is a target for her employer, Nice kills the power at the hotel just as Acapulco is trying to catch a helicopter ride out of there. This causes Honolulu's life support to go out, and Jean cannot save him, so he dies. Acapulco's ride then flies away due to potentially being compromised. Nice finds Wolf King's room and slits his throat with a broken piece of glass.

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0 Rating (0) (No Ratings Yet) Loading... Premier contact Lorsque de mystérieux vaisseaux venus du fond de l'espace surgissent un peu partout sur Terre, une équipe d'experts est rassemblée sous la direction de la linguiste Louise Banks afin de tenter de comprendre leurs intentions. Face à l'énigme que constituent leur présence et leurs messages mystérieux, les réactions dans le monde sont extrêmes et l'humanité se retrouve bientôt au bord d'une guerre absolue. Louise Banks et son équipe n'ont que très peu de temps pour trouver des réponses. Pour les obtenir, la jeune femme va prendre un risque qui pourrait non seulement lui coûter la vie, mais détruire le genre humain…

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